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Add FluentBooking Reschedule Trigger in Integration

Hi Team, According to FluentBooking team, it is possible to retrieve a triggering event for “rescheduling” a FluentBooking, via a webhook (see attached picture here: https://prnt.sc/6I3IIT21bShf). It would be nice to access this event with the WpFusion integration. Thank you for your time and consideration. Kind regards,

Accepted Category: Plugin Integration Enhancements Guy Langlois shared this idea Updated: January 6, 2025

7 thoughts on “Add FluentBooking Reschedule Trigger in Integration”

  1. At the moment the Fluent Booking feed framework doesn’t have a trigger for rescheduled bookings. I tried to hack it together but I’m pretty sure it needs to be added on their end. You can even see in their own FluentCRM feed integration, Rescheduled isn’t available as a trigger: https://i.wpfusion.com/8Pcv50Tm

    If they can add support for `after_booking_rescheduled` to the integration manager, then we can enable this with just one line of code. And it will benefit FluentCRM users as well. I will also reach out and see if it’s something they’d be able to add.

  2. Hi Jack,

    Thank you for your reply. I don’t have access to FluentBooking developer documentation, but in the plugin V.1.60, when you setup webhooks feeds, you have access to “Booking Rescheduled” option.

    Therefore, I’m thinking this use case should be handled by the plugin.

    I’m probably missing something there…

    1. The webhooks component uses a different base framework… the Webhooks and Integrations components are two separate systems. The Webhooks component has those additional triggers while the Integrations component doesn’t yet.

      So to work with that one, we’d need to move WP Fusion’s integration into the Webhook Feeds tab in the settings… which doesn’t make a lot of sense to me from an organizational standpoint. It sounds like FluentCRM is willing to make the change (it’s just one extra line of code) so I’d prefer to let them do that and then we can keep the WPF configuration under Integrations.

  3. Note, it might be that “Rescheduling” is handled as a Cancellation of an existing appointment and the creation of a new one. Therefore, there is not a specific event for rescheduling but this is a combination of both Cancellation and Creation.

  4. I’ve heard back,

    “Thank you for highlighting this issue.

    We’ve reported it to our developers, and they will work on it as soon as possible. We anticipate that a Booking Rescheduled Trigger for FluentCRM integration will be included in our next release.”

    So once that’s there we’ll add it on our end ✅

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