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Add tag on X visit

A function to add a tag to the user after visiting a WP page after X times.

Completed Category: Core Feature Enhancements Michael Roed shared this idea Updated: December 9, 2024

3 thoughts on “Add tag on X visit”

  1. This is possible in theory but because every person’s pageviews would need to be tracked in your database, it has the potential to add a lot of extra data to the user’s table.

    I’m not sure it would be a good fit for WP Fusion core but I’ve created a code snippet for you here https://wpfusion.com/documentation/advanced-developer-tutorials/additional-code-examples/#applies-a-tag-when-a-user-has-viewed-specific-posts-or-pages-more-than-x-times and added it to the docs at https://wpfusion.com/documentation/getting-started/tracking-user-activity/#apply-tags-after-x-visits

    1. Thank you very much Jack.
      Yes this could turn into a lot of data, but with your new script it is only the specific page that is counted and not all pages, correct? Ensuring that data tracking is minimal?

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