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Add tag setting for subscription renewal


In WC Subscription integration there are settings in the *Product setup* and in the *WPF WC settings* to have various tags applied pertaining to the subscription status.

I would like to have the ability to add a tag if the order being processed is a renewal order.

See https://share.getcloudapp.com/GGuJZ08R


Completed Category: Plugin Integration Enhancements Norm Sash shared this idea Updated: November 23, 2022

5 thoughts on “Add tag setting for subscription renewal”

  1. Soft no on this one from me…

    a.) By default WPF doesn’t apply any tags during a successful renewal, so it’d require quite a bit of re-engineering and potentially introduce a performance hit

    b.) By default, WPF won’t reapply a tag a user already has. So effectively this would just be “Apply tags – First Renewal”. It might be confusing to users who expect it to be removed and reapplied every time

    c.) A better way for running automations around renewals is to sync the Next Payment Date to a custom field: https://wpfusion.com/documentation/ecommerce/woocommerce-subscriptions/#syncing-subscription-fields

    Then you can trigger your automation when this field is updated. And, as a bonus, it lets you schedule emails and other actions relative to the customer’s upcoming renewal.


    1. Thanks for the thought process, Jack. Yep, I wouldn’t want to have a re-write of the logic for applying subscription tags just for this. Definitely not worth it.

      I already sync the Next Payment Date, but that doesn’t really determine if the subscription is via a parent order or via a renewal order as the Next Payment Date is set either way. In addition, some CRM’s don’t allow you to compare changes in a field (yes, I’m looking at you, Active Campaign).

      What I’m trying to achieve is the ability to trigger automations based on the order / subscription type. So rather than trying to tie tags to this, maybe a better approach would be to add a field sync to the contact sync fields for orders and subscriptions.

      The contact fields are synced every time an order and subscription are processed so I don’t think it would involve any change to the sync logic.

      You could add a “Last Order Type” to the order meta fields, and an “Order Type” to the subscription meta fields (and you would have to add it to the field syncs settings on the product definition.)

      See https://app.screencast.com/dvnExNjPAK53z

      I think that would give someone all the info needed to trigger some automation based on either the order type, or if it is a subscription, they could trigger an automation 3 days before the Next Payment Date, but only if the last subscription order was a renewal order.

      Would that be a fairly simple thing to do that wouldn’t disrupt anything?

      1. Yeah that’d be pretty simple.

        So, just so I’m clear…

        When a customer first checks out, we’d sync “last_order_type” as “parent”.

        And then with every renewal, we’d sync the value as “renewal”?

        Keep in mind I don’t think AC can trigger an automation if the value hasn’t *changed*, so this would only let you trigger an automation on the first renewal. Or, if the customer placed a regular order, and then had a renewal. But the value could be used in conditions.

        1. Yep, that would work. My thought is just to sync the order type from the related subscription order. Do it in the same way that you sync the subscription status (i.e. just brining across ‘active’, ‘on-hold’, ‘cancelled’, etc.) But I don’t recall how it is differentiated in the order for the order type (i.e. parent vs renewal. ) I can’t recall if there is an actual order_type field that can be brought across.

          And you are correct, AC won’t trigger an automation unless the order-type field value changes, but that can be worked around because on a renewal the next-payment-date field will change, and combining that with the order-type field should work for all cases that I can think of for the automations.

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