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Elementor Popup

Heyo! I’m wondering if there is any plans to add complex queries for Elementor popups? Currently, I’m using Elementor on my site but also keep Popup Maker installed only because I have 1 popup that requires the ability to have a trigger that is for… If user had this tag AND does not have this other tag… then show the pop up… Currently in Elementor the WPfusion integration only allows for Hide/Show if.. which doesn’t meet the requirements.

Hoping to be able to get rid of Popup Maker one day only as it’s a duplicate plugin on my site.


Declined Category: Plugin Integration Enhancements Justin Keller shared this idea Updated: August 28, 2020

1 thought on “Elementor Popup”

  1. Hey Justin,

    We could probably do that. We’re kind of limited by the interfaces of whatever plugin we’re working with.

    Elementor doesn’t have a very advanced query builder for its popup display, and so we can just regiser simple True vs False conditions. Whereas Popup Maker is designed for advanced targeting.

    But if we added an additional row for “When a user has none of the CRM tags”, would that work for you? Then you could combine a required tag with a required “not” tag.

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