Members integration
Integration with Member (from Memberpress), this is the free version just for user roles.
Aim is to add the 'Link with Tag' functionality (like with UltimateMember – problem with UM is unability to select multiple user-roles).
Hi, looking for the same multiple user roles integration of members. Would like to pair it with AC, and manage automatic roles changes based on tags and automations.
That is indeed what the ‘Link with Tag’ functionality does/should do.
Is there a way to bump this idea?!
This is ready in v3.37.3. New docs at https://wpfusion.com/documentation/membership/members/
Thanks WP Fusion…saves me a repetitive but important action!
But…in my case the input field is only partly showing, so i can’t read the tag to select: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l4zsulcn2ebq14h/Schermafbeelding%202021-04-03%20om%2015.32.02.png?dl=0
EDIT: don’t worry about issue in previous comment…it solved itself. Probably cache.