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Paid Memberships Pro – Views, Visits and Last Login – Contact fields

The views, visits and login report in PM Pro (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=pmpro-reports&report=login) has details for each user on the number and most recent date of each metric.
I would like to include these as individual contact fields that can be used to measure engagement with the membership site and for example prompt action in the CRM when a user seems to be losing enagement.

There are 14 metrics in the table, I would prioritise these three:
1. Last Visit
2. Visits all time
3. Views all time

Declined Category: Plugin Integration Enhancements Evan Collins shared this idea Updated: June 6, 2023

4 thoughts on “Paid Memberships Pro – Views, Visits and Last Login – Contact fields”

  1. Thanks Evan,

    I like the idea of adding this. Trying to think of the best way to do it for performance….

    The “Views All Time” number is updated on every page load. If we simply watched it for changes, this would mean syncing the updated value on every page load as well… which would make your site super slow (and probably trigger API throttling).

    So when should the data be synced…?

    * When a new “visit” is logged (i.e. max once per day?)
    * When a user profile update is triggered?
    * When a membership is purchased or changed?

    Keep in mind that even if we sync it with each visit, depending on your CRM’s API speed, this could mean a ~5 second delay each time user comes back to your site for the first time each day, which is better than every page load… but some folks may still find it inconvenient.

    Looking forward to your thoughts

  2. Honestly, I don’t know the best way to do this for performance. Are you saying there would be a delay for the user of about 5 seconds when trying to log in or a delay of 5s for the CRM to be updated? If it’s a delay for the user then is there no way for that to be run asynchronously?

    For me, I would use it to target people who have not logged in for X weeks/months, so it wouldn’t need to be a frequent thing but I think having it updated when someone logs in each time would be suitable.

    1. There would be a delay while the user logs in while the API calls are sent.

      We do support something similar already with the Login Tags Sync and Login Meta Sync options, though we try to discourage them.

      Sending it asynchronously… isn’t great. PMPro updates the data in real time. If we detach WP Fusion from that real time update, then that means trying to schedule it for later, or dispatching it in a parallel process. This can be unreliable on some hosts / with some cache & optimization plugins.

      But… a 1 to 5 second delay at most once per day per user, might not be the end of the world. We could give it a try.

      Have you looked at our Logins Addon for tagging users who haven’t logged in for X days? https://wpfusion.com/documentation/logins/overview/

  3. Honestly no, I had forgotten about your addons, it looks like it may do the job just as well or better that extracting the PM Pro data.

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