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Record BuddyBoss Discussion Activity in Ontraport

I would like to be able to either update a field or a tag in ontraport when a user posts in a specific buddyboss discussion.

Completed Category: CRM Integrations Michael Jospe shared this idea Updated: February 27, 2023

8 thoughts on “Record BuddyBoss Discussion Activity in Ontraport”

  1. Hey Michael 🙂

    Yes we could consider adding an option to apply a tag when someone replies to a discussion.

    Just to be clear… you want it tied to a *specific* forum thread, right?

    And you understand you will need to go into that thread in the admin and select the tag you’d like applied when someone replies?

    Or, would it be more helpful to have a general setting like “Apply Tags – Replied in Forum” and these are applied whenever someone posts a reply?


    1. We use BuddyBoss forums for our students to post discussion assignments. Each LearnDash Course has a Buddyboss group with a forum. Since the courses have different modules we create a new discussion topic for each module. When we create the topic in WordPress we would be fine with adjusting any settings needed for tracking. We would just want to be able to track which discussion that student posted in since they are required to post a few times for each learning module.

      1. Sorry- the student needs to REPLY to a discussion topic, I want that reply either tagged in Ontraport or noted in an Ontraport field like this: “Replied to [Forum Name] [Disussion Name]”. If a timestamp can be included that would be great too, but not needed.

        1. Ok sure we can do that. It would need to be tag based to fit in with the rest of our functionality, but you can create a tag like, “Replied to [Forum Name] [Disussion Name]”. The contact log in Ontraport will show the timestamp the tag was applied.

    1. Wow, you guys are speedy! I’m impressed! This does not have to track treaded reply (when a student comments on another student’s reply), but if that gets too complicated for a quick update I can work around it.

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