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5 votes

Redirect User based on Tags

If a User has or does have a Tag and clicks a menu item, then redirect them to x page. Currently WPFusion only shows/hides menu items based on Tags.

Declined Category: Core Feature Enhancements Zach Kinsey shared this idea Updated: December 4, 2020

3 thoughts on “Redirect User based on Tags”

    1. Hey Andrew,

      You might be able to find a developer via https://codeable.io/ who can do this, and we have some more information at https://wpfusion.com/documentation/advanced-developer-tutorials/how-to-submit-a-job-on-codeable-for-custom-development/

      However, most developers are going to tell you that this is a bad idea, because doing a redirect via JavaScript means you need to wait for the whole page to load, the JavaScript file to load, and then the redirect to run. This means the user will see a flash of content before they are redirected. It’s just generally not a great idea.

      WP Fusion has many PHP filters that allow you to do redirects based on tags. A good place to start is https://wpfusion.com/documentation/filters/wpf_redirect_url/

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