Tag when role changes
Would like a tab in the settings that maps role assignment and role removal to assigning and removing of a tag.
TAB: WordPress User Role Tagging
Subscriber [ x ] remove tag when role is removed
Administrator [ x ] remove tag when role is removed
Editor [ x ] remove tag when role is removed
Primary & secondary wordpress roles should be recognized through add_user_role and remove_user_role
It was supposed to look like this: (it chopped my text out)
Subscriber tag to assign when role assigned [ x ] remove tag when role is removed
Administrator tag to assign when role assigned [ x ] remove tag when role is removed
Editor tag to assign when role assigned [ x ] remove tag when role is removed
Yes I would like this also. We use the plugin User Role Editor Pro to manage WP roles and permissions so the ability to assign groups/tags for more than 1 role per user is also required.
I’m really nervous about doing anything with roles in WP Fusion proper. Ultimate Member messes with the roles system in one way, User Role Editor messes with it in another way, and WP Members adds its own weirdness.
There’s a lot of opportunity for people to royally mess up their user permissions. And we could lose a lot of time untangling it for folks.
I’ve gone ahead and updated the “labs” User Roles plugin here https://github.com/verygoodplugins/wpf-user-roles, so that it will work as Dan described. Previously the linked tags would only add the user to the role, now if the user role is granted to a user, the linked tag will be applied, and if the user role is removed the linked tag is removed.
I’ve also added an option to apply tags in addition to the linked tag when a role is assigned.