User Menus integration
Add integration with User Menus (https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-menus/) for more advanced tag options like “Required Tags (all)” and “Required Tags (not)”
Got an idea for a new feature or integration? We’d love to hear it! You can find our roadmap here.
Add integration with User Menus (https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-menus/) for more advanced tag options like “Required Tags (all)” and “Required Tags (not)”
Please include the IF MENU plugin for integration. If Menu has a built-in multi-conditionals logic that works well, along with capabilities checks that compliment the WPF tag conditionals (such as user role conditionals.
User Menus integration is complete and was in v3.38.33 on January 10th (and I forgot to update this request). Details at https://wpfusion.com/documentation/tutorials/menu-item-visibility/