How to Bulk Edit WPFusion Tags in a Spreadsheet

WPFusion is a great plugin for connecting to your CRM and allows you to add tags to your content and products on WordPress, and they are synced from the external CRM system, and you can use those tags for many things including restricting posts, etc.

The problem comes when you have to manually edit these new fields in hundreds of products because this takes a lot of time. And it takes a lot of time because you would have to open, edit, and save each product, post, or page. Fortunately, in this post, we will show you how to quickly edit WPFusion tags in thousands of products, pages, posts, or any other post type using an intuitive spreadsheet inside WordPress.

WP Sheet Editor is a set of plugins that allow you to edit posts, pages, products, and any other post type using intuitive spreadsheets. You can do advanced searches, apply massive changes on thousands of rows at once, and export/import using CSV files. In this post, we’ll use the WooCommerce Products Spreadsheet plugin as an example to edit WPFusion tags for hundreds of products.

You can download the plugin here:

Download WooCommerce Products Spreadsheet Plugin – or – Check the features

Video Guide

Text Guide

Once you install and activate the WooCommerce Products Spreadsheet plugin, follow these steps to edit WPFusion tags in hundreds of products.

1- Install the “WP Sheet Editor WP Fusion” extension

This extension is free for users that purchased our posts, pages, or products spreadsheet plugin.

This extension will add columns to our spreadsheet editor to edit the WPFusion fields.

2- Open the products spreadsheet

To open the products’ spreadsheet, go to WP Sheet Editor > Edit Products. You’ll see a spreadsheet containing all the WooCommerce products together with their complete information. Besides, you’ll see all the columns for the fields created by WPFusion.


If you want, you can edit WPFusion tags using the spreadsheet. Just go to the column you want to edit and start adding the WPFusion tags. This way you can edit many products without having to open them one by one; you can autofill the cells below, copy/paste between cells, etc.

Once you’re done, click Save and all the changes will be applied to all the products you edit.


This is a great option, but we want to show you how to search for products using specific search parameters and edit all the search results at once; you can save a lot of time!

3- Search for the products you want to edit

With WP Sheet Editor, you can search for hundreds of products to edit them all at once. For that, you need to open the Search tool with one click.


Once you open the Search tool, you need to search for all the products you want to edit. You’ll find the following fields:

  • Contains keyword: Enter any word, and the plugin will find all products containing it in their titles.
  • Enter Tags: Enter any category, tag, shipping class, or attribute (color, size, etc) and the plugin will find all products containing it.
  • Search on variations: Tick this checkbox to search for product variations only.
  • Run search: Once you set the search terms, you need to click this button to filter all the products that meet the parameters.

In this example, we’ll search for all the products containing the Search keyword in their titles.


Once your products are filtered, you’ll see them all displayed in the spreadsheet. In this case, we’ve filtered all the products containing the Shirt keyword in their titles.


4- Open the “Bulk Edit” tool to edit all the search results

To edit all the products that have been filtered with the Search tool, you need to open the Bulk Edit tool with one click on the toolbar.


This is an advanced tool, but it’s easy to understand how it works.

  1. Select what you’ll edit
  2. Select which field you’ll edit
  3. Select the type of change you’ll apply
  4. Select the values you’ll apply
  5. And execute.

In the following drop-down sections, we show you how to apply several changes to any of the WPFusion fields in all the filtered products.

a) How to remove WPFusion tags from all the selected products

In this section, we’ll delete the tags added when the user sees the product from all the filtered products.

For that, we need to select the following values in the Bulk Edit tool:

  • Select the rows that you want to edit: Edit all the rows from my current search (including non-visible values)
  • What field do you want to edit: WPFusion: Apply tags when a user sees this post
  • Select type of edit: Clear value
  • Click Execute Now.


b) How to replace WPFusion tags in all the selected products

WPFusion has created a field to apply tags to a product when it’s purchased. It adds the subscriber tag, but we want to replace it and instead ask the plugin to apply the customer tag to all our products.

You need to select these values in the Bulk Edit tool:

  • Select the rows that you want to edit: Edit all the rows from my current search (including non-visible values)
  • What field do you want to edit: WPFusion: Apply tags when purchased
  • Select type of edit: Replace
  • Replace this: Subscriber
  • With this: Customer
  • Click Execute Now.


c) How to set new tags for all the selected products

If you want to add one or more tags to the products when they’re purchased, you need to select the following values in the Bulk Edit tool:

  • Select the rows that you want to edit: Edit all the rows from my current search (including non-visible values)
  • What field do you want to edit: WPFusion: Apply tags when purchased
  • Select type of edit: Set value
  • Replace existing value with this value: You can add several tags separated by commas: Customer, sendtocourse
  • Click Execute Now.


d) How to append a new tag to all the selected products

If you already added tags to your products but want to add a new tag to the existing ones, you can do it quickly. Just select the following values in the Bulk Edit tool:

  • Select the rows that you want to update: Edit all the rows from my current search (including non-visible rows)
  • What field do you want to edit: WPFusion: Apply when purchased, for example.
  • Select type of edit: Append
  • Enter the value to append to the existing value: You can add the following, for example, without quotes “, subscriber”
  • Click Execute now.


5- How to export or import WPFusion tags quickly

If you’ve hired someone who doesn’t know how to use WordPress, but does know how to use Excel, you can quickly export your products with WPFusion tags to a CSV document for quick editing, and then you can quickly import them into WordPress. For that, you need to follow the steps in the following drop-down sections:

a) How to export WPFusion tags to Excel or Google Sheets

n this section we show you the simple steps you need to take to export all your products to Excel or Google Sheets so you can edit the WPFusion tags quickly.

First, open the Export tool with one click on the top toolbar.


Second, select the following values to configure the export:

  • What columns do you want to export: You can select all columns, all active columns, or enter columns manually.
  • Tick the I understand it will export the rows from my current search checkbox.
  • What app will you use to edit this file (Optional): Select any of the available options.
  • Name of this export (Optional): Enter a name if you want to save these settings for future exports.
  • Click Start new export. The CSV will be downloaded to your computer.


Here’s how the CSV file will look in Excel. You can apply any change here to then import them to WordPress.


b) How to import WPFusion tags from Excel or Google Sheets

Once you’ve applied all the changes you want to your WPFusion tags in Excel or Google Sheets, you need to follow these steps to import the products to WordPress:

1- Open the Import tool with one click


2- Choose the file you’ll import

  • Source: CSV File from my computer
  • Click Choose File and select the file from your computer
  • Click Next


3- Click Import all the columns


4- Configure the import

  • Do you want to update or create items: Create new items and update existing items
  • CSV Field: record_id
  • WordPress Field: ID
  • Click Next.


5- You’ll see a preview, so if it’s OK, click The preview is fine, start import.


After that, you’ll see the information imported. It’s really simple and fast.bulk-edit-wpfusion-tags-spreadsheet

Editing WPFusion tags with a spreadsheet is really easy!

As we’ve shown you in this post, editing WPFusion tags with a spreadsheet is really easy and fast. You just need to open the spreadsheet, select the products you’ll edit, and apply massive changes. You can also export all your products, pages, posts, or any other post type to Excel or Google Sheets and then import the changes back to WordPress with a few simple steps.

You can download the plugin here:

Download WooCommerce Products Spreadsheet Plugin – or – Check the features

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