Ultimate Member

Connect Ultimate Member to Mailjet

It's easy to integrate Ultimate Member and Mailjet with WP Fusion

All the tools you need to connect and grow

Ultimate Member is a popular WordPress membership plugin that comes in a free core version and a number of premium extensions.

If you’re using Ultimate Member to grow a loyal community of engaged members, you’re probably looking to use Mailjet to better connect with and organize those users.

With WP Fusion, you can connect Ultimate Member to Mailjet so that you’re able to sync WordPress members with Mailjet (and the custom fields that you’ve added with Ultimate Member).

You can also apply tags in Mailjet based on the Ultimate Member registration form that a person used and link WordPress user roles with Mailjet tags to automatically give members a certain role when you apply a tag in Mailjet.

Using WP Fusion to set up your Ultimate Member — Mailjet integration is easy. All you do is install WP Fusion on your WordPress site and then authorize your site with Mailjet:

And that’s it! WP Fusion will start automatically syncing Ultimate Member users with Mailjet and you can also set up other rules to apply tags and sync custom field information.

Sync Custom Fields With Your CRM

If you’re using Ultimate Member to create custom user profile fields, you can map those fields to fields in Mailjet so that you’re able to sync information whenever a user registers or updates their profile:

Apply Tags After Registration

With Ultimate Member, you can create different registration forms for different situations. When you add WP Fusion into the mix, you can also apply a tag to users in Mailjet based on the specific registration form that people use:

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Link User Roles With Tags (or Deactivate Accounts)

WordPress user roles let you control what permissions a user has on your site.

With WP Fusion, you can link a user role to a tag in Mailjet so that a member is automatically granted a new user role when you apply that tag in Mailjet.

Essentially, this lets you control a user’s access and permissions on your WordPress site from Mailjet:

If you remove the tag from the user, they’ll also lose that user role and be downgraded to the default Ultimate Member registration role.

You can also deactivate a user’s Ultimate Member account when you apply a tag in Mailjet. For example, in a situation where a user’s payment failed. If you remove the deactivation tag, the user’s account will automatically be reactivated.

Control When to Sync Data

To help keep your data accurate and optimize performance, WP Fusion also lets you decide whether to:

  • Update a user’s profile from information in Mailjet any time that a user loads their profile in Ultimate Member.
  • Wait to send data to Mailjet until a user’s account is activated (either by admin approval or the user clicking an activation link in their welcome email).

With WP Fusion, you can create a deep Mailjet — Ultimate Member integration to sync profile information, segment users, and even control access to your site.

Click below to learn more about why WP Fusion is the best solution to connect Ultimate Member to Mailjet.

Connect X to Y Example Created with Sketch.

It doesn't stop with Ultimate Member

WP Fusion integrates over 100 WordPress plugins bidirectionally with Mailjet.

With integrations like WooCommerce, LearnDash, LifterLMS, MemberPress, Gravity Forms and BuddyBoss, you can start doing more with the tools you already use.

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It’s time to rethink how WordPress can work for you.