#1.2.3 - 8/20/2024
- Updated and tested for WordPress 6.6.2
- ⚡️ Improved Downloads Addon scripts will now only be loaded on the attachment and posts pages, to avoid conflicts with other plugins that use the media uploader
- 🔧 Fixed Fixed tags select not being editable on media items after activating protection until saving
- 🔧 Fixed Fixed deprecated jQuery methods
#1.2.2 - 7/28/2020
- 🔧 Fixed Fixed crash if activated for WP Fusion Lite
- 404 will now get the theme's 404 template (thanks @Erik)
- Made .htaccess warning dismissible
#1.2.1 - 4/28/2020
- 🔧 Fixed Fixed updater
#1.2 - 4/27/2020
- ⚡️ Improved Improved support for NGINX servers
#1.1.2 - 1/23/2020
- 🔧 Fixed Fixed crash if WP Fusion wasn't active
#1.1.1 - 12/27/2019
- 🔧 Fixed Fixed rewrite rules not being set on first install
- Admin style fixes
#1.1 - 10/14/2019
- ✨ New Added option to redirect when a restricted file is accessed
- ⚡️ Improved Improved editing settings via single attachment page
#1.0.1 - 9/12/2019
- Moved data storage
- Requests with wp-admin referrer will bypass .htaccess rule
- Cosmetic improvements
#1.0 - 8/30/2019
- Initial release
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