Connect Easy Digital Downloads to FluentCRM
It's easy to integrate Easy Digital Downloads and FluentCRM with WP Fusion
All the tools you need to connect and grow
Easy Digital Downloads, or EDD for short, is a popular WordPress eCommerce plugin that’s dedicated to helping you sell digital products like software, eBooks, audio files, and more.
You’re likely using FluentCRM so that you can manage, segment, and connect with your Easy Digital Download store’s customers. However, without some help, your options for connecting Easy Digital Downloads to FluentCRM are limited.
That’s where WP Fusion comes in. With WP Fusion, you can connect FluentCRM to Easy Digital Downloads by automatically adding new customers to FluentCRM and applying tags in FluentCRM based on the product(s) that a person purchased.
You can then use the tags in FluentCRM to create automated follow-up sequences or even restrict access to your site.
This helps you create a better user experience on your site and market more effectively.
Using WP Fusion to connect Easy Digital Downloads to FluentCRM is easy. To get started, all you need to do is install WP Fusion and authorize your WordPress site with FluentCRM:
Then, WP Fusion will start automatically syncing new customers to FluentCRM. From there, you can use the WP Fusion settings in your WordPress dashboard to apply tags to segment your customers.
Tag Customers Based on Purchases/Refunds
With WP Fusion, you can apply one or more tags to customers when they purchase a product or when they’re refunded for a product.
You can use these tags to set up marketing automation sequences in FluentCRM. Or, you can also use them to restrict access to content on your site.
Tag Customers by Variation
In addition to tagging customers for general product purchases/refunds, you can also apply tags in FluentCRM when a user purchases a specific pricing variation (if you’re using variable pricing):
Restrict Access to Content by Tag
You can also use WP Fusion to restrict access to any content on your site based on a user’s tags in FluentCRM. You can restrict both other Easy Digital Downloads products, as well as regular content on your site.
With WP Fusion, you can create a deep Easy Digital Downloads — FluentCRM integration so that you can sync your customers to FluentCRM, apply tags based on their purchases, and even restrict access to your site based on those tags.
Click below to learn why WP Fusion is the best solution to connect FluentCRM to Easy Digital Downloads.
It doesn't stop with Easy Digital Downloads
WP Fusion integrates over 100 WordPress plugins bidirectionally with FluentCRM.
With integrations like WooCommerce, LearnDash, LifterLMS, MemberPress, Gravity Forms and BuddyBoss, you can start doing more with the tools you already use.