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If-So Plugin Gutenberg Integration

The shortcode method with If-So is supported, but block editor is not yet. I know there is a Gutenberg block of WpFusion, but it does not do Ajax communication, which makes it difficult to use when page caching is enabled for logged in users as well. If-So’s Gutenberg block allows Ajax communication. The shortcode method with If-So is supported, but block editor is not yet.

I know there is a Gutenberg block of WpFusion, but it does not do Ajax communication, which makes it difficult to use when page caching is enabled for logged in users as well. If-So’s Gutenberg block allows Ajax communication.

Use Case: In a membership site, it is necessary to use cache to improve page performance. Both the Block Visibility Plugin and WpFusion Block can determine content visibility based on CRM tags, but they do not anticipate using page caching for logged-in users within a membership site.

Membership sites, including online courses, are intended for use by logged-in users, but by default, WordPress disables caching for logged-in users. However, in membership sites with a large user base, it is becoming mainstream to use page caching for content that is common to all users and to display different content for each user dynamically. Only the If-So shortcode can display dynamic content with Ajax after page caching and is integrated with WPFusion.

It would be very convenient if WPFusion could also support If-So’s Gutenberg block.

Completed Category: Plugin Integrations kmeister shared this idea Updated: February 25, 2024

5 thoughts on “If-So Plugin Gutenberg Integration”

  1. This is possible, we’ll get started on it. However keep in mind that the If-So block UI only supports a single tag in a dropdown. So you can select a single required tag to view or hide the block, but not multiple tags.

  2. Jack, thank you for your reply. If ‘Device’ is selected under ‘Condition’, multiple selections are possible. Would it be difficult to apply this to WPFusion tags? I wonder if the editor will break if there are too many tags…

    1. Using a list of checkboxes isn’t really practical since some of our users have hundreds of tags. Even if it didn’t break the editor, it would be very difficult to work with.

      We’d prefer to have a “select” type input that supports multiple selections, like we have in the regular admin, but If-So doesn’t support this yet.

      1. Thank you again for your reply, Jack. I agree with what you are saying. Initially supporting only one tag in the dropdown would be very helpful. Thank you very much for your assistance.

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