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Allow push both web and mobile notification with CRM integration

Push notification for both of web and mobile app is really important especially for mobile app, CRM system has complete WP users data including all plugins added data, even some other plugins provide this feature such as Uncanny automator or AutomatorWP, unfortunately, they can do this feature for web-end only, moreover, who can do this the best, obviously CRM should be. What do the email marketing softwares do? Prompting custome purchases, recalling cold contacts to go back to the websites. what features the mobile app provides the same? push notification. I don't know why Budddyboss misses this feature, but I know who can do this feature the best, of course, the best possibility to do this is CRM. You may consider including this feature into your plugin if possible, this is the really useful but not all of buddyboss customers can imagine it. Please read this article about custom notification, you can just set an API endpoint and allowiing your customers to query contacts and send API request to Buddyboss app and web. I can also hire a developer for this feature, but I don't make sure anybody else who can deeply understand CRM and Buddyboss like you, if you consider including this feature and implement it as soon as possible, of course I will not need to hire a developer and will be pleased to extend my current license to lifetime right away, Thank you so much!

Under Review Category: Plugin Integrations Jianfeng Zhang shared this idea Updated: July 14, 2023

4 thoughts on “Allow push both web and mobile notification with CRM integration”

  1. I don’t know if this would work.

    Yes, we can trigger a push notification via the BuddyBoss API, no problem.

    But we don’t have any way to set the contents of the push message. WP Fusion syncs data between your site and CRM, but the CRMs we support don’t have APIs or components for push notifications. So there’s no way to create the notification in the CRM, and then use WP Fusion to “sync” it to BuddyBoss, and then out to people’s phones.

    The only way to do it would be creating a new plugin where we have a panel like “When tag X is applied, send this notification to everyone with that tag”. And then you can build up multiple notifications connected to multiple tags.

    This is an interesting idea…. but I think it’s too complex and too niche to be worth the development costs.

    But maybe I’m misunderstanding. How are you imagining the actual notification content will be managed? Is this in the CRM? And if so, which CRM, and does it have an API where we could load the available notifications?


  2. Yes, I am using FlowMattic as well for some automation workflows, as you have mentiond, to make it work fine is needed a powerful workflow plugin, it can load CRM data and send data to both of Buddyboss and Buddyboss APP, it sounds like not the work WP fusion does 🙂 . But I don’t know why Buddyboss team ignored this really useful feature, how important is it to push notification for Mobile users, for web end, it is what all of email marketing softwares target, but they didn’t do. Regarding the Email marketing software, I am using FluentCRM, I am also use Flowmattic(this is a self-hosting tool for wordpress like Zapier) I think some of other CRMs can provide workflow tools like this as well :).

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