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WPBakery / Visual Composer Page Builder Integration

Would love for this to integrate with the WP Bakery plugin and page layout builder.

Completed Category: Plugin Integrations Erik Rostad shared this idea Updated: July 5, 2022

9 thoughts on “WPBakery / Visual Composer Page Builder Integration”

  1. Absolutely! It’s an extremely popular builder, is there an issue that makes it un desirable to add to the list of compatible builders? It’s much more popular than many on the list and easily up there with Elementor and Divi as far as users

    1. It’s a tricky subject haha…

      Visual Composer is quite old and it used to be very buggy. If you talked to most professional WordPress developers they would tell you to stay far away from it. Many people I know refuse to work on a site built in Visual Composer.

      I have heard that they have rebuilt the plugin to be more modern and extensible. If that’s true (we haven’t checked it out yet), then it might be possible to integrate with the “new” Visual Composer.

      However, that likely won’t be backwards compatible with the “old” Visual Composer, or many of the addons.

      That means it’s possible WP Fusion won’t work with the majority of Visual Composer sites, even though we advertise compatibility. That could be misleading to prospective customers.

      So… we will check this out at some point, but it’s not a high priority at the moment because it’s likely going to be a technically difficult integration with limited usefulness to people running older VC / WPBakery sites.

      1. Thanks for the comment, Jack.

        I talk more about WP Bakery, the most recent version is what I use. I’ve been using it for years, since back when it was VC. Back then there was a period of bugginess, but I never have conflicts or issues these days.

        I don’t think many people out there are still using VC, and have upgraded.

        I assumed there was a reason, given that about 50% of the themes on Themeforrest are built on WP Bakery (at a guess, a big share of the market along with Elementor and at least, and to some extent Divi)

        I’d love to see it added, I really don’t have the urge to use Elementor or Divi, I don’t love them that much as a builder.

        In my humblest of opinions, I think it’s worth looking at, at least to consider how difficult it might be now as compared to the old versions that you’re talking about.

        I think at this point it is a barrier to buying which I’m bummed about because WP Fusion clearly has massive benefits.

        If WP Bakery ever gets added, I’m all in baby!

        Thanks again for the reply. 🙂

  2. Yes, I have nearly 100 sites using VC. WP Fusion integration with Visual Composer would assist on so many different levels. A simple ability to hide/show content based upon tags at the VC row level would be a godsend. The Impreza theme allows VC row visibility by user role or logged in/out status, but not by tag. Showing/hiding by tag would open up new worlds.

  3. Circling back to this as it’s my only barrier to purchase…

    WP Bakery is one of the largest builders amongst theme developers and powers thousands and thousands of sites.

    I think the preconceptions of the builder are antiquated, and that the builder is nothing like previous versions (particularly when considering the earlier versions named Visual Composer).

    Having builders like beaver builder integrate and not WP Bakery is absurd to me given the shear number of users.

    I really think that you guys need to update your views on this builder. I haven’t had any conflicts whatsoever with it in years and years.

    I honestly think you’re confusing VC with Bakery builder, they ARE NOT the same thing!

    Add this to your integrations and I sign up in a second. Please don’t force me to use Elementor, it’s the least user-friendly builder on the market and it makes me want to stab my eyes out.

    1. We have completed a WPBakery integration and it was released today in v3.40.12 of WP Fusion. You’ll find the new documentation here https://wpfusion.com/documentation/page-builders/wpbakery-page-builder/

      I still do not feel great about this integration…. we’ve been through the code and WPBakery *is* the old Visual Composer, almost all of the code is the same. Even the plugin folder slug is the same (“js_composer”).

      (FYI “Visual Composer” is a new plugin that was created from scratch and uses React, not shortcodes, to build pages. The current “WPBakery” is the same plugin that’s been sold on CodeCanyon and ThemeForest forever as “Visual Composer”. I think they had to change the name due to a copyright dispute with Envato).

      To be fair, the code quality has improved somewhat since we first looked at this a few years ago, but it’s still not great.

      As an example, they do not provide an API for controlling the visibility of page elements. The only way we are able to hide elements on a page is via CSS.

      That means with Elementor and Beaver Builder (and others), protected content will be truly hidden from the page.

      With WPBakery, it will just be hidden via CSS, which means someone could inspect the page in the browser and un-hide the element by changing the CSS.

      This is the best we could do within the limitations of WPBakery.

      However I do understand it is a popular builder and so we felt it was worthwhile to build the integration despite these limitations. I hope that helps and sorry we couldn’t provide a more complete integration.

      1. Thanks, Jack.
        Upmost respect for you putting in the work to make this available despite your feelings on the builder.
        I’ll check it out 🙂

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