Drip Abandoned Cart Tracking


Using WP Fusion you can track abandoned carts in WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads and follow up on them in Drip.

There are two ways to do this, either via Drip’s Shopper Activity API, or using the older tag-based method.


Shopper Activity API #New

The Shopper Activity API supports syncing the full cart contents to Drip when a customer updates their cart in WooCommerce.

To enable this feature check the box for Sync Carts from the Addons tab in the WP Fusion settings.

You can also specify the page the customer should be taken to when they click on the cart recovery link. The Current Page option can be used if you have multiple checkout pages (for example with CartFlows).

Note: With this method enabled it’s not necessary to use tags for tracking cart abandonment, and it’s not necessary to use a custom field for the recovery URL.

#Setup in Drip

When a customer begins checking out a new cart will be created in Drip, which will trigger the “Created a cart” action. When a customer adds something new to their cart it will trigger the “Updated a cart” action. You can use these actions as an entry point for your workflows.

Update: You can use the “Cart Abandonment” Block to merge the abandoned cart contents into your email.

Alternatively, for additional control over the layout, consider using Liquid code. Below is an example Liquid template:

{% for item in event.items %}

<table style="width: 100%;">



<td width="50%"><img src="{{ item.image_url }}" style="width:100%;display:inline-block;" /></td>

<td style="padding-left:24px; vertical-align: top;" width="50%">

<h2 style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:12px;"><span style="font-size:28px">{{ item.name }}</span></h2>

<span style="font-size:16px">Price: ${{ item.price }}</span><br />

<span style="font-size:16px">Quantity: {{ item.quantity }}</span><br />

<a href="{{ item.product_url }}" style="background:#000000; padding:6px 12px; margin-top:12px;color:#fff;border-radius:6px;display:inline-block;">View Product</a></td>


{% endfor %}

To edit the Liquid code in your Drip emails, click on any text area and switch over into Source mode by clicking the <> icon, then paste in the code above.

Your email should then look something like this:

See the Drip documentation for more info on the syntax for Liquid tags.

The cart recovery link can be added by creating a button with the URL {{ event.cart_url }}.

#How it looks

Your customer’s cart contents will be merged into the email, including product names, prices, and images.

#Video – Abandoned Cart Drip (Shopper Activity API)


When a customer begins to check out you should see an entry appear (within a couple of minutes) on their activity stream in Drip with the cart contents.

If this entry doesn’t appear or you experience other unexpected behavior with abandoned cart tracking, please first turn on WP Fusion’s activity logs and begin a test checkout to trigger the abandoned cart actions.

The Abandoned Cart Addon will write detailed information to the logs, which you can include in your support ticket.


#Tag-based method

This method is available for people who don’t want to use the Shopper Activity API.

#Setup in WordPress

First, go to the Addons tab under the WP Fusion settings and select a tag to be used for abandoned cart tracking.

You use an existing tag, or type a new one into the box. WP Fusion will automatically apply this tag to the user when checkout is begun, and the tag will be removed if checkout is completed successfully.

#Setup in Drip

Next, log into your Drip account, select Workflows from the Automation dropdown, and create a new Workflow. The automation should be triggered when the “Abandoned Cart” tag is added. Add a timer (one hour is usually a good amount), and after the timer create a decision like in the picture below.

Anything under the “Yes” part of the decision will be run if the contact has begun checkout but hasn’t completed it within the specified time. From here you can add the contact to a list, send an email, and/or create an internal task for further followup. See the image below for an overview of the entire automation.

In this example we wait for one hour after the cart was abandoned, then send a one-off email to the customer to follow up.

#Recovery URLs

WP Fusion supports saving a customer’s abandoned cart in WooCommerce and syncing a recovery URL to Drip, which can be sent in an email. To set this up, enter a field to be used to store the cart recovery URL.

Then in your abandoned cart email (see above), insert a link, using the Liquid Tag for the recovery url.

When the customer clicks the link in the email, they’ll be taken to the WooCommerce checkout with their cart contents restored.

#Video – Abandoned Cart Drip (Tag-based)

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