Abandoned Cart Tracking Changelog

#2.0.5 - 10/15/2024

  • Fixed abandoned cart tags not applying for WooCommerce guest checkouts since 2.0.4

#2.0.4 - 10/2/2024

  • Added support for syncing shipping total and method with WooCommerce and ActiveCampaign
  • Added support for recovering discounts that were applied to the WooCommerce cart, when the recovery link is visited
  • Improved - If the cart recovery URL isn't enabled for sync, and the CRM doesn't support cart recovery, no pending cart will be saved to the database
  • Improved - If a logged in Paid Memberships Pro member reaches the checkout and doesn't have a saved contact ID, an API call will be made to look up their contact ID in the CRM
  • Fixed multiple coupons on a WooCommerce cart being each being synced with the total cart discount, instead of their individual discount amounts

#2.0.3 - 8/26/2024

  • Added cart product name(s) as an available field for sync
  • Improved - Abandoned cart tags will now be removed after every successful checkout, even if the current cart was not yet considered abandoned
  • Improved - If creating a contact fails when using the delay option, the cart will be deleted instead of retried
  • Improved - Declared compatibility with the WooCommerce block-based checkout to avoid "Incompatible plugin" notices in the admin
  • Fixed uncaught error if adding a contact to the CRM failed during the initial abandoned cart sync
  • Fixed fatal error recovering EDD carts when multiple discounts were applied
  • Fixed broken link to the Abandoned Cart documentation on the WP Fusion website

#2.0.2 - 7/18/2024

  • Improved - Now supports custom email fields on the WooCommerce (classic) checkout, instead of just "billing_email"
  • Fixed unhandled error when processing abandoned carts using the delay option, if the API call to create a contact failed
  • Fixed fatal error "Call to member function get_cart() on null" when logging in over the REST API

#2.0.1 - 6/3/2024

  • Improved - Registered users that have their carts synced after a delay will now have their user ID recorded to the logs
  • Fixed fatal error "Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_cart() on null" when editing posts in the admin with the block editor, since 2.0.0

#2.0.0 - 5/31/2024

  • Heads up! This is a major update! We have tested it thorughly but there may still be gremlins. Please contact support if you run into any issues.
  • Major refactor and standardization of all integrations
  • Added support for Paid Memberships Pro
  • Added support for delaying the sync of contact data, tags, and cart data for a specified number of minutes. If the customer completes their purchase in the meantime, no abandoned cart data will be synced.
  • Added support for the block-based checkout in WooCommerce
  • Added a metabox showing the cart contents of the saved cart post type
  • Fixed ActiveCampaign error "The ecomOrder with externalcheckoutid already exists in the system" when an existing checkout session started checkout a second time
  • Fixed error "Call to a member function get() on null" when calling woocommerce_form_field() outside of the WooCommerce checkout (i.e. on the Account page registration form)

#1.9.0 - 5/6/2024

  • Added option to delay sending any abandoned cart details to the CRM until after a delay period (experimental, currently just for WooCommerce)
  • Added option to enable progressive updates with the WooCommerce checkout fields (previously it was on by default)
  • Added Requires Plugins header for WordPress 6.5
  • Improved - High Performance Order Storage for WooCommerce is now declared regardless of whether or not WP Fusion has been connected to the CRM
  • Improved - With WooCommerce, no cart data will be sent until at least a first name and email have been entered on the checkout
  • Fixed Drip and ActiveCampaign integrations not sending the correct order totals when the Cart Value field was not enabled for sync (cart value was not being recalculated early enough)
  • Fixed deprecated use of get_page_by_title()
  • Fixed errors related to visiting a cart recovery URL inside the WordPress admin

#1.8.0 - 6/30/2023

  • Improved - Guest sessions will now be tracked in WooCommerce's session storage, and cart updates can sync in real time to the CRM (ActiveCampaign or Drip) when cart contents are modified (previously this only worked for registered users)
  • Improved - If a user registers or logs in and has items in their cart, and Trigger on Add to Cart is enabled, the cart contents will be synced at that time
  • Improved - If a WooCommerce cart is completely emptied, the corresponding Deep Data cart will be deleted in ActiveCampaign
  • Fixed abandoned cart tags not being removed after a MemberPress customer had signed up for a new free trial
  • Fixed PHP warning Undefined array key "line_subtotal" with free WooCommerce products

#1.7.4 - 2/20/2023

  • Added support for WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage
  • Improved - The checkout scripts will now wait 5 seconds before watching inputs for changes, to prevent auto-filled customer data from being synced
  • Improved - The email_optin field will no longer be synced with the abandoned cart data
  • Improved - The Trigger On Submit option with MemberPress is now disabled when using Single Page Checkout
  • Fixed abandoned carts not syncing with MemberPress Single Page Checkout
  • Fixed abandoned cart tags not applying when MemberPress checkout forms were embedded in other pages

#1.7.3 - 11/1/2022

  • Tested for WordPress 6.1.0
  • Improved - If a registered user completes checkout and doesn't have abandoned cart tags, they will be removed directly from the CRM. This fixes an issue whereby if someone completed checkout before the API calls had finished processing to apply the tags, then the tags wouldn't be removed.
  • Improved handling for "Could not process request: Duplicate entry" errors with ActiveCampaign
  • Improved - Product descriptions will now use the Short Description field instead of the excerpt
  • Improved - Moved cart storage to postmeta instead of post content (fixes a weird infinite loop issue with Divi and wp_insert_post())
  • Fixed infinite loop error when using Divi to build a checkout page with FunnelKit (WooFunnels)
  • Fixed variable price settings not displaying in Easy Digital Downloads since EDD 3.0
  • Fixed carts not being updated in the CRM when a logged-in user updated a cart item quantity
  • Fixed PHP warning Undefined array key 0 in EDD integration when checking out with a license renewal discount

#1.7.2 - 2/7/2022

  • Added option to trigger MemberPress abandoned cart actions only when the first checkout step has been submitted
  • Improved - If the cart total is updated on the WooCommerce cart page it will be synced to the CRM (for logged in users)
  • Improved - Cart updates on the checkout page (i.e. via WooFunnels, CartFlows, etc) will now trigger a sync of the updated cart total to the CRM
  • Fixed notice WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly

#1.7.1 - 1/6/2022

  • Improved - Will now try to remove malformed utm_* variables that may have gotten appended to the cart recovery link by the ESP, and are preventing the contact ID from being read
  • Fixed cached carts being publicly queryable on the frontend
  • Fixed fatal error resulting from unhandled WP_Error when the initial contact creation failed
  • Tested for WooCommerce 6.0.0

#1.7.0 - 7/2/2021

  • Moved cart storage out of transients and into a custom post type
  • Added support for auto-applied discounts with EDD when using cart recovery URLs
  • Improved - Abandoned cart tracking at checkout will also identify the visitor to site tracking scripts with supported CRMs
  • Improved - Cart recovery links with WooCommerce and EDD will identify the visitor to site tracking scripts with supported CRMs
  • Fixed Sendinblue contacts with + symbols in their email address not working with cart recovery URLs
  • Fixed errors recovering carts when both WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads are active at the same time

#1.6.8 - 5/28/2021

  • Fixed cart recovery not working with WooCommerce 5.2.x
  • Fixed errors when WP Fusion wasn't connected to a CRM

#1.6.7 - 3/10/2021

  • Added support for syncing cart discounts to ActiveCampaign (Deep Data) from Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce
  • Added Cart Discount Code and Cart Discount Amount fields for sync
  • Added wpf_abandoned_cart_apply_tags filter
  • Added wpf_abandoned_cart_data filter
  • Improved - Cart fields have been moved to the Contact Fields settings tab
  • EDD cart recovery will now restore cart discounts, fees, and the selected payment gateway
  • EDD cart recovery will now pre-fill customer information

#1.6.6 - 2/22/2021

  • Improved - customer_id created by an ActiveCampaign cart will now be passed to the Enhanced Ecommerce addon at checkout
  • Fixed error adding products to cart with ActiveCampaign and Deep Data categories being generated from product attributes
  • Fixed Easy Digital Downloads cart tracking not working when only one payment gateway was active
  • Fixed fatal error activating the Abandoned Cart addon with WP Fusion Lite

#1.6.5 - 1/8/2021

  • Added download image URL to cart data with Easy Digital Downloads
  • Added product description to cart data with Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce

#1.6.4 - 9/28/2020

  • Improved pre-filling the checkout fields when using the recovery link
  • Fixed compatibility bug with WP Multilang
  • Fixed some bugs when syncing a cart during an active auto-login session
  • Updated for tags select compatibility with WP Fusion 3.35

#1.6.3 - 8/11/2020

  • Fixed abandoned cart actions not running when EDD payment gateway was changed
  • Added .pot file

#1.6.2 - 5/11/2020

  • Fixed fatal error with EDD getting cart recovery URL

#1.6.1 - 4/28/2020

  • Fixed cart recovery URL not working with CRMs without cart support

#1.6 - 4/22/2020

  • Added LifterLMS abandoned cart tracking
  • Added Sync Carts support for Easy Digital Downloads
  • ActiveCampaign integration will now update an existing cart if one exists instead of creating a new one
  • Fixed MemberPress trying to sync carts during WooCommerce checkout
  • Fixed MemberPress assigning an empty tag if no abandoned cart tag was specified

#1.5.4 - 2/24/2020

  • Added support for currencies other than USD with ActiveCampaign Deep Data
  • Fixed cart recovery links not restoring variation IDs

#1.5.3 - 2/17/2020

  • Added per-product abandoned cart tagging to MemberPress
  • Added option to sync selected product attributes to categories in Drip
  • WooCommerce integration will now inherit store settings regarding product prices being inclusive vs exclusive of tax
  • Fixed MemberPress abandoned cart tags not being applied to logged in users

#1.5.2 - 1/23/2020

  • Added Deep Data / Shopper Activity support for MemberPress abandoned cart tracking
  • Fixed not detecting email field properly on some MemberPress checkouts

#1.5.1 - 11/20/2019

  • Fixed time zone calculation in ActiveCampaign cart data

#1.5 - 11/11/2019

  • Added MemberPress integration
  • Added support for WooCommerce product variations in cart data with Drip and ActiveCampaign
  • Added option to send prices tax-inclusive with WooCommerce
  • Fixed time zone calculation for occurred_at with Drip
  • Fixed tags not applying for guest checkouts with EDD

#1.4.1 - 9/19/2019

  • Added option to select cart image size for Drip and ActiveCampaign
  • Added progressive updates for checkout form data

#1.4 - 6/12/2019

  • Added Deep Data Abandoned Cart support for ActiveCampaign
  • Added support for auto-applied coupons during cart recovery
  • Recovered abandoned carts will now pre-fill the name and email address at checkout
  • Fixed Drip Shopper Activity cart recovery URL not syncing if URL was also being sent to a custom field

#1.3.1 - 6/4/2019

  • Fixed product variations breaking Shopper Activity abandoned carts with Drip

#1.3 - 4/22/2019

  • Added Shopper Activity API support for Drip
  • Added option to change the cart recovery URL destination

#1.2 - 4/16/2019

  • Added option for syncing total cart value to a custom field

#1.1 - 3/18/2019

  • Fixes for tags sometimes not applying when "On Add to Cart" setting was enabled
  • Abandoned cart async actions will only run once per checkout form

#1.0 - 1/25/2019

  • Fallback for when product ID isn't present on variation cart items
  • Fix for sending cart recovery URL for logged in users

#0.9 - 9/23/2018

  • Bugfixes

#0.8 - 9/22/2018

  • Updated WooCommerce settings storage

#0.7 - 8/16/2018

  • Added cart recovery URL for WooCommerce

#0.6 - 12/22/2017

  • Added abandoned cart tags for Woo / EDD product variations


  • Fixed issues where sometimes duplicate contacts would be created


  • Compatibility updates for WPF v3.3
  • WooCommerce 3.0 fixes


  • Fixed checkout errors


  • Added support for per-product tagging
  • Added option to apply tags on Add To Cart for logged in users


  • Initial release

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