
Zoho Tags


Zoho has very limited support for tags, which can make it difficult to segment your contacts with WP Fusion.

The total number of tags you can have in your account are:

  • 10 on Standard
  • 30 on Professional
  • 50 on Enterprise

The maximum number of tags a single contact can have regardless of plan is 10.

As a workaround, WP Fusion offers the option to use a multi-select field for segmentation in Zoho instead of tags.


To enable this, go into the Zoho Setup » Modules and Fields » Contacts and add a new multi-select field to your contact record layout.

The name of the field can be anything you like. For the Multi Pick List Options, enter any tags you would like to use with WP Fusion.

Back in the WP Fusion settings, on the Setup tab, choose Multi-Select from the Segment Type selector.

In the dropdown, select your multi-select field. If the field doesn’t appear, first click Refresh Available Tag & Fields to load your new field.

Save the settings, and WP Fusion will update the saved tags for all users based on the values in your selected multi-select field.

Note: If you had previously configured products, memberships, and access rules using Zoho tags and are switching to a multi-select, these settings do not need to be updated. As long as the “tag” names are the same, the settings will copy over automatically between the Tags and Multi-select segment types.

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