
For plugin developers


Congratulations, you’ve launched a WordPress plugin 🎉

You’ve got it integrated with a few leading autoresponders— i.e. MailChimp, Drip, ConvertKit, and you’re getting some great buzz 🐝.

But then the feature requests start coming in:

“This is great but we can’t switch until it supports HubSpot”


“What’s the ETA on the Mautic integration?”


“My client is heavily invested in Salesforce, is this on your roadmap?”

You’re focused on building the next great ecommerce / form builder / affiliate / membership plugin— you don’t want to mess around with the APIs and developer programs for all these third party tools.

But your customers may already have an established marketing workflow, and if your plugin doesn’t integrate with their existing app ecosystem, they won’t sign up 😢.

You don’t want to say “no”, but also it’s hard to justify releasing a new integration addon plugin for only a handful of people.

This is where WP Fusion can be helpful to plugin developers.

With support for over sixty CRMs and marketing automation platforms, we’re dedicated to making sure your plugin integrates with your customers’ marketing automation tool of choice.

We keep up to date on the latest changes in APIs and privacy regulations, and we understand how to troubleshoot CRM-specific problems (since that’s what we do all day).

And it doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

Let’s say you have a premium Mailchimp addon to your ecommerce plugin that displays an opt-in checkbox, and syncs ecommerce customers with the selected  list after they check out.

Pretty simple, but enough for 90% of stores ✅.

Now some users are asking for the ability to automatically apply a tag when a subscription status changes, or when a product has shipped, in order to trigger an email sequence in Mailchimp.

To them, this is critical to the success of their store. But to you, this is getting pretty far from your core feature set.

WP Fusion is a great solution in cases like these— where your users are asking for a level of CRM integration that’s too niche, or outside of scope.

#How does it work?

We already support about 100 plugins, and you might find your plugin already listed.

If not, there are two ways to go about requesting an integration:

  1. Get in touch via our contact form or by submitting an integration request on our feature requests board. We’ll check out your plugin, make sure an integration will work, and (based on the interest among our customers) build the integration ourselves.
  2. Or, see our guide here on contributing integration modules. In that case, you create the integration module on your end following one of our starter templates on GitHub, and send it back to us for inclusion in the next WP Fusion update. We’ll maintain and support it going forward.

Either way, consider joining our affiliate program. You can then list WP Fusion as a resource for customers who need a more advanced integration between your plugin and their CRM, and earn a commission on any referrals in the process.

It’s a win + win 🙂

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