FluentCRM Event Tracking


Using WP Fusion you can track events from supported plugins in FluentCRM, either on the same site, or on a remote site over the REST API.

#How it works

When an event is tracked in a supported plugin, it will be recorded to the WP Fusion activity logs, and sent to the corresponding person’s contact record in Fluent CRM.

Tracked events will then show up in that contact’s Activity timeline, under the WP Fusion activity type.

#How it looks

Events are displayed on the Activity timeline on FluentCRM contact records.

Events tracked by WP Fusion are displayed on the subscriber’s activity feed in FluentCRM.

Events can also be used as triggers for automations, including the number of times the event was performed.

This automation is triggered once the logged-in event has fired three times.

This makes events ideal for tracking things that can happen multiple times, or over time, such as site logins, course progress, quiz attempts, and subscription status changes.


To use event tracking, it first needs to be enabled in FluentCRM under the Addons tab. Event tracking is supported in the free FluentCRM as well as FluentCRM Pro.

Once event tracking is enabled, events are configured in WP Fusion. Events can be configured either globally or on specific posts (products, courses, etc).

Each event requires a title, and (optionally) one or more values. Events in FluentCRM are handled slightly differently depending on the number of key/value pairs they have.

#Single key events

In this example we’ve configured an event for whenever a LearnDash quiz is completed. When only a single key is specified, the “key” will be omitted and only the value will be sent. This appears in FluentCRM like this:

The event value can then be used as a condition in automation triggers.

In this example the automation is triggered when the quiz-attempt event is triggered, if the quiz points are higher than 8.

#Multi-key events

You can send more data about your events by using multiple keys.

In this example a WooCommerce order is configured to send an event with the order total, payment method, status, and customer note.

With multi-key events, the event details will be sent to FluentCRM JSON-encoded. At the moment, this means you can use the event as an automation trigger, but you can not use the event properties in conditions (i.e. “if total > 100”).

We hope this will be added in a future FluentCRM update.

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