
Brevo Enhanced Ecommerce


WP Fusion’s Enhanced Ecommerce Addon (available for Plus and Professional license holders) supports sending ecommerce transaction data as Deals to your Brevo account for sales made in:

Note: At the moment WP Fusion’s Enhanced Ecommerce integration for Brevo supports creating Deals, but does not support the newer Brevo Ecommerce feature.

We have an open feature request here for integration with that component. Please vote or comment on the request if you’re interested in this functionality.

The Brevo for WooCommerce plugin adds order details to the subscriber’s “Revenue” data, whereas WP Fusion’s Enhanced Ecommerce addon creates orders as Deals.

To create transactions in Brevo Ecommerce from WooCommerce orders, you can use the free Brevo for WooCommerce plugin. We have tested this and it is fully compatible with WP Fusion.

#Getting started

Once you install the Enhanced Ecommerce addon, WP Fusion will load your available deal stages from Brevo. You can also refresh the available stages at any time by clicking the Refresh Available Lists & Fields button in the WP Fusion settings.

To begin syncing deals with Brevo you must first select a Deal Stage for new deals from the Enhanced Ecommerce tab in the WP Fusion settings.

The deal title will be name of the order in WooCommerce (or other supported ecommerce plugin), and the deal value will be set to the total amount of the sale.

#How it works

When a customer checks out on your site, WP Fusion will create a new deal in Brevo with the order label, date, and invoice total.

This sale data will be associated with the subscriber record who made the purchase.

#How it looks

WooCommerce orders appear as Deals in Brevo sales pipelines
The single deal view shows the title and value, and the deal description contains a list of purchased products and their prices.

#WooCommerce order statuses

If you’re using WooCommerce you can also associate WooCommerce order statuses with deal stages in Brevo.

This setting appears under the Enhanced Ecommerce tab in the WP Fusion settings.

When the order status is updated in WooCommerce, the deal stage will be updated in Brevo.

Warning: It is recommended not to sync Pending payment orders with Brevo. When this is enabled, WP Fusion needs to create a contact record and a deal in Brevo as soon as the pending order is created in WooCommerce, and then update it less than a second later when the payment is processed.

This slows down your checkout with many duplicate API calls and in most cases isn’t necessary. A more performant method of tracking incomplete payments is to use Abandoned Cart Tracking.

Note: By default, running a WooCommerce Orders (Ecommerce addon) export operation from the Advanced settings tab will only export “paid” orders (Processing or Completed). However, if you have enabled additional order statuses for sync to a Brevo stage, then running the export will process those additional statuses as well.

This can be used to export refunded or cancelled orders to Brevo in addition to the paid orders.

#Modifying the API data

WP Fusion supports using filters to modify the data sent to Brevo with an ecommerce order.

#Custom deal fields

At the moment WP Fusion doesn’t have a visual interface for associating WordPress data with custom deal attributes in Brevo.

However you can still make this work using the wpf_ecommerce_sendinblue_add_deal filter.

In this case we’re going to update the Order URL field, which has an internal name of order_url, and update it with the edit link to a WooCommerce order.

function my_custom_deal_properties( $deal, $order_id ) {

	/* $deal is structured like:

	 $deal = array(
	 	 'name'              => 'WooCommerce Order #123',
	 	 'linkedContactsIds' => array( 123 ), // the contact ID of the customer.
	 	 'attributes' => array(
	 	 	 'deal_description' => 'Cool Product - $100', // the products purchased and prices.
	 	 	 'amount'           => 100, // the total amount.
	 	 	 'deal_stage'       => 'Completed', // the deal stage.
	 	 	 'close_date'       => '2023-05-16', // the order date.
	 ); */

	$deal['attributes']['order_url'] = admin_url( 'post.php?post=' . $order_id . '&action=edit' ); // adds a custom attribute.

	return $deal;


add_filter( 'wpf_ecommerce_sendinblue_add_deal', 'my_custom_deal_properties', 10, 2 );

And here in Brevo you can see that when WP Fusion creates the deal, the custom properties are automatically populated:

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