

WP Fusion includes an integration with SureCart to sync your customers with contact records in any one of 50+ CRMs and marketing automation tools.

You can also apply tags (or lists) to your customers based on product purchases.


When editing any SureCart product, and then press Add New Integration to add a new integration.

From the dropdown, select either Apply Tags or Remove Tags.

And finally, select the tag (or list, group, segment, etc.) you’d like to apply or remove. You can configure multiple tags by adding multiple integrations.

That’s it! When a customer checks out on your SureCart store, a contact record will be created in your CRM, and the selected tags will be applied or removed.


If a product purchase is later revoked (either due to refund, or subscription cancelation) any tags applied at checkout will automatically be removed.

Any tags removed at checkout will not be automatically re-applied.

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