
Copper Webhooks


Using webhooks with Copper you can create new users on your WordPress site when people are tagged, or automatically update existing users’ meta data and tags when changes happen in Copper.

Having trouble receiving webhooks? Check out our troubleshooting guide.

#Getting Started

The “update” method is very straightforward: check the checkbox next to Update Trigger, and any subscriber updates in Copper will automatically be synced back to WordPress.

To automatically add Copper subscribers as WordPress users, first create a tag that designates site members. Then navigate to the Webhooks section on the General settings tab of the WP Fusion settings, and select this tag from the dropdown. Now, whenever a subscriber is added to this tag, they will automatically be imported as a new WordPress user.

The import tag method will update a user if an existing user already exists. It will not create a duplicate user.

Note: By default, user accounts will be created with their email address as the username and a randomly generated password. However, if you have created a custom username field and password field in Copper, and enabled these fields in WP Fusion for sync with user_login and user_pass on your website, the new users will be given the usernames and passwords stored in their Copper contact record.

#User passwords

New user accounts will be created with an automatically generated password. If you’d like to use this password in your email marketing, you can send the password back to Copper after it has been generated.

In the Webhooks section of the General settings tab, check the box for Return Password, and select a field in Copper where the password should be stored.

After a new user is created, their automatically generated password will now be saved back to their contact record, and you can use a merge field to include it in an email. The username will be the contact’s email address.

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