WooCommerce Payment Plans


WP Fusion integrates with WooCommerce Payment Plans plugin allow you to tag customers in your CRM or marketing automation platform when a product has been purchased using a payment plan, as well as when the payment plan has been fully paid.

This functionality is addition to WP Fusion’s WooCommerce and WooCommerce Subscriptions integrations.

#Product setup

When editing any WooCommerce product, the payment plan settings will appear on the WP Fusion settings panel, underneath the Payment Plans heading.

Because WooCommerce Payment Plans uses WooCommerce Subscriptions for processing the payments, the settings here are tied to changes in subscription status.

  • The tags specified for Partially Paid will be applied when a new active subscription (aka payment plan) is created for the product.
  • The tags specified for Fully Paid will be applied when the subscription status is set to expired, which happens automatically once all payments have been made for the payment plan.

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