How to Connect HubSpot to WordPress


In this guide, you will learn how to install WP Fusion and set up a direct connection to integrate your WordPress website with your HubSpot account.

To get started install and activate the WP Fusion plugin, then navigate to Settings » WP Fusion.

From the ‘Select Your CRM’ list choose ‘HubSpot ’.

Click ‘Authorize with HubSpot’ to initialize the connection and generate access and refresh tokens for your website.

Choose an account.

Once the connection is completed, click Save Changes below to save the changes.

That’s it! Your site is connected, and new WordPress users and customers will automatically be synced with HubSpot in real time.

#Marketing contacts

In HubSpot, only contacts tagged as marketing contacts can receive marketing emails and be targeted with ads.

In order to send marketing emails to contacts in Marketing Hub, you’ll first need to enable marketing contacts for the WP Fusion app.

All new marketing contacts will count towards your billable contact tier limit.

Enable marketing contacts for the WP Fusion integration in HubSpot

First head to Settings » Integrations » Marketing Contacts. Next to the WP Fusion app, click the toggle to enable syncing contacts as marketing contacts.

Note: Only contacts created after the toggle has been switched on will be created as marketing contacts. Learn how to set existing contacts as marketing contacts manually in bulk or via workflows

#Non-HubSpot forms

If you are using Site Tracking with HubSpot, HubSpot offers a feature called Collect data from website forms which attempts to automatically detect form submissions on your website and create new contacts.

For best compatibility with WP Fusion, it is recommended to leave this disabled.

If it’s enabled, you could get duplicate contact records in HubSpot (one created by WP Fusion, and one created by the tracking script).

HubSpot’s Support for Non-HubSpot Forms feature can sometimes cause unexpected email address changes for contacts. If you experience issues with unexpected data in HubSpot, you can disable this feature in the HubSpot marketing settings.

You can disable support for non-HubSpot forms in your HubSpot settings, under Tools » Marketing » Forms.


Using webhooks in HubSpot workflows and triggers, you can automatically sync lists changes and contact updates from HubSpot back to WordPress. You can even import new users based on HubSpot contacts.

For more information, see the documentation on HubSpot Webhooks.

#Site Tracking

WP Fusion includes a copy of the HubSpot tracking scripts, which can be enabled on the General settings tab.

When site tracking is enabled, any new users, customers, or form submissions will automatically be identified to HubSpot, and their page views will be tracked.

For more information, see the Site Tracking documentation.

#Enhanced Ecommerce

WP Fusion’s Enhanced Ecommerce Addon (available for Plus and Professional license holders) supports sending ecommerce transaction data as Deals to your HubSpot account for sales made in WooCommerce and other popular ecommerce plugins.

For more information, see the documentation on HubSpot Enhanced Ecommerce.

#Event Tracking

Events from WordPress appear on the contact’s activity timeline in real time. In this example, Gravity Form submission is shown.

WP Fusion’s Event Tracking Addon can send events in real time from supported plugins to HubSpot. For more information, see the documentation.

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